Quote Me Photo- Seven Wonders

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” ~Walter Streightiff

Too bad the girls didn’t seem to think flying over the Rocky Mountains on a perfect fall day was wonder-worthy.

Airplane trays, mini TV’s in the back of chairs, barf bags, the person’s book beside us, air nozzles, buttons in the roof, the window blind, remnants under the seat, flight attendants, orange juice cups, pretzel snacks, ice, mini bathrooms that prompt questions of where the poop goes, noises, whoever was in the seat behind us, turbulance and pretty much anything else novel that they can manhandle, yes, completely wonder-worthy.

Seven-million indeed. Just not the seven us adults would pick. I suppose because they are just too big. To grand to even know what to do with. But give them a snowball from that mountain, or let them follow a mountain goat or pick a flower or splash their toes in the glacier waters, absolutely wonder-full!